Revitalizing a Healthcare Company’s Online Presence: A WebPulse Case Study

Author: Hailey Huffman
April 16, 2024
healthcare company case study

We help growth-oriented companies boost site traffic and conversions

These days, your website needs to do more than exist, it needs to excel. That’s why we designed WebPulse. Learn More

In the competitive realm of healthcare, maintaining a robust online presence is critical. One healthcare company faced a significant challenge when they observed a sharp decline in website traffic and conversion rates. The root of the problem? An outdated website and the loss of contact with the individual previously managing their online assets.

Challenge: A Declining Digital Footprint

The company’s website was not just aging; it was becoming ineffective, causing diminishing visitor engagement and reduced conversions. This setback called for a strategic overhaul to reclaim and enhance their digital territory.

Solution: Introducing the WebPulse Program

The introduction of the WebPulse program marked a turning point. Over six months, this initiative not only halted the decline but transformed the company’s online metrics dramatically.

Key Outcomes of the WebPulse Program

  • Active User Engagement: A striking 61% increase in active users demonstrated a broader reach and higher retention of the target audience.
  • Content Interaction: With a 52% rise in page views, the website saw enhanced user interest and deeper engagement with content.
  • Organic Visibility: Organic search traffic surged by 84%, significantly boosting search engine rankings and visibility.
  • Service Page Engagement: The views of the top service page more than doubled, increasing by 107%, which underscored heightened interest in the company’s core offerings.
  • Conversion Efficacy: There was a 46% growth in conversion page views, reflecting an improved pathway guiding users towards desired actions.
  • Content Reach: Views of the top blog post increased by 39%, indicating that the content strategies were effectively attracting and retaining users’ attention.

These metrics showcase the WebPulse program’s ability to drive not just higher traffic, but also meaningful engagement that resonates with the target audience, ultimately leading to tangible business outcomes.

Implementation: Strategic Efforts and Enhancements

The transformation was supported by various strategic implementations across the website:

  • Homepage Optimization: New call-outs for key services and visually distinct icons for service blocks encouraged deeper user exploration.
  • Performance Enhancements: A caching plugin and asset cleanup tools were employed to improve page load speeds, along with a lazy load video plugin to optimize media content delivery.
  • Content Optimization and Accessibility: High-traffic blog posts were prioritized for updates to maintain relevance and visibility directly from the homepage.
  • SEO and Visibility Enhancements: Updates to top-performing blog posts and the addition of SEO-friendly image alt tags helped increase monthly viewership and overall site visibility.
  • Site Maintenance and Updates: Regular site updates, including the removal of outdated themes and adjustments to navigation elements, enhanced the overall user experience.

Conclusion: A Testament to Digital Strategy

The case of this healthcare company is a testament to the effectiveness of targeted digital strategies in reviving and growing a business’s online presence. The WebPulse program not only revitalized the website’s functionality and appeal but ensured that these enhancements translated into real-world business growth. Through meticulous planning and execution, the company not only recovered its lost digital ground but set a new benchmark for its online engagement and conversion performance.

See the documented results here.


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