How to Find Your Most Visited Page with Google Analytics

Author: Hailey Huffman
February 19, 2024
How to find the highest visited page with Google Analyics

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Understanding which page on your website attracts the most traffic is crucial for optimizing your content and strategy. Google Analytics offers a straightforward way to identify your top-performing pages. Here’s a simple guide to finding your website’s most visited page using Google Analytics.

Step 1: Access Google Analytics

Ensure Google Analytics is set up for your website. If you’re new, create an account at, add your site as a property, and install the tracking code as instructed.

Step 2: Navigate to the Correct Report

Log into your Google Analytics dashboard. On the left sidebar, you’ll find a few options. Click on “Reports” (the second button down) to delve into how visitors interact with your site.

Step 3: Locating the Most Visited Page

Once you’re on the “Reports” page make sure your reports are showing the “Last 30 Days.” You need this to ensure you’re getting an accurate sample size. You can change this in the top right corner by selecting from default or custom date ranges.

After you’ve corrected the reporting time, select the “Life Cycle” section (on the left side near the top). From there, open the “Engagement” subsection. Next, select the “Pages and Screens” report.

Once selected, your data will appear in the graphs and charts in the center of the screen.

Step 4: Identify your Top-Performing Page

The report lists your site’s pages along with various performance metrics. By default, the pages are sorted by “Views,” showing your most visited page at the top of the list. This page is your site’s current leader in attracting traffic. More than likely, your home page will be the highest view, typically labeled as “/” or “(not set)”.

Step 5: Analyze Further

Don’t stop at just identifying the most visited page. Look at other metrics like “Average Time on Page” and “Bounce Rate” to understand user engagement better. Additionally, consider checking the “Source/Medium” report to see where your traffic is coming from.


Knowing your most visited page helps tailor your content and marketing strategies to what works best. Regularly check Google Analytics to stay informed about your website’s performance and make data-driven decisions.


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